Judging by the shoes - Hannah Checkley | Personal Stylist, Queenstown NZ
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shoe style blog

Judging by the shoes


You know the term. Never judge a book by its cover? Nonsense; who ever picked up and bought a book with a dull cover? Take the encyclopaedia for example, I have childhood memories of thickly bound and heavy books in volumes that I never wanted to lift off the dusty shelves in the silent library, let alone read, and God forbid, buy. You get a feel for the book at first glance. The marketing gurus of today spend weeks on end toying over possible cover design, playing with different ideas to evolve the winning engaging formula.



Shoes are the same. When flicking through style magazines and when adding to you ‘Shoe Love” Pinterest board. With shoe in hand and edging ever closer the cash desk in you favourite shop and when reaching for you credit card at the moment of purchase. It wasn’t the $300 price tag that made you reach into your clutch and whip out your Visa. No, it was the luring designs, the form, the shape, that heel and the must have seasons colour. The feeling of absolute fulfilment when you slip them onto your feet. That’s swayed you.



You can’t wait to wear them. They are a part of you. Your new shoes speak volumes. What do they say about you? Fun loving? Professional? Active? Look around you. What are those shoes worn by the person standing next to you whilst you wait to order your coffee? Can you tell who they are by glancing only at their shoe?



One of my favourite past times is Shoe Watching (second only to actual People Watching) I cast my eyes down and try to imagine who the owner of each of the pumps, sneakers, boots and brogues are and what they are saying with their shoes. Where they are going, what they are doing. It intrigues me.

What are your shoes saying about you? Where are you going and who do you want to be? Wearing the right shoes is a step in the right direction. You can be whoever you like.


With Style,


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